
Sunday, March 9, 2014

101 Earth Day Activities, Crafts and Recipes

1. Bust out the candles and go powerless for an hour (or a day)

2. Make Earth Day Cupcakes with a heart in the middle from Bird on a Cake

3. Make a Globe Luminary from Twig & Toadstool

4. Make Playdoh Earths, complete with all the earths layers from Meet the Dubiens

5. Plant a vegetable garden.

6. Make a Globe light fixture with tutorial from DIY Show Off

7. Make some map coasters, found at Red Ted Art

8. Start a compost pile.

9. Check out 50 crafts and projects using recycled, repurposed and up cycled cans by Stephanie Lynn

10. Make a pretty canvas tote bag, and stop using plastic bags.

11. and go a step farther and buy mesh produce bags too

12. Or make your own out of old knit tshirts with easy to follow tutorial from Delia Creates

13. Bring all your unwanted clothes to Goodwill so someone else can wear them.

14. Line your pathways with solar lights, so you don`t have to leave a light on.

15.Or make your own solar powered mason jar luminary`s with tutorial from One Good Thing

16. Watch the Lorax.

17. And find 50 ways to Celebrate Earth Day with the Lorax from Reading Confetti

18. Make a Plantable Paper Earth from Modern Parents Messy Kids

19. Have a clothing, toy or book swap with family and friends.

20. Make an Earth Structural Layer Cake from CakeCrumbs

21. Hit the farmer`s market or local food stands for some fresh produce.

22. and take the 100 mile challenge and try to only buy local food.

23.  Watch the Sunrise (or sunset) and appreciate the beauty of it.

24. Get or make a rain barrel.

 25. Have a meatless meal on Earth day and opt for a vegetarian dinner once a week.

26. Make some ants on a log. Spread celery sticks with peanut butter and add some raisins.

27. Get the directions for this Spring Globe Upcycle from My Sister`s Suitcase.

28. Make the kids a healthy snack - Lady Bugs on a Stick from Spoonful

29. Watch the Odd Life of Timothy Green

30. Stop buying hazardous cleaning products, and make your own Green Cleaners

31. Get some Plantable Business Cards from Day 2 Day Printing

32. Remodelling? Take all those old lumber, doors, windows, etc. to Habitat for Humanity or equivalent. Bonus: no dump fees and they usually come pick it up for free.

33. Make a 3D Earth Ornament on some (recycled cardstock) from Planet Pals.

34. Make Dirt Cups with Chocolate pudding, topped with Oreo crumbs and gummy worms.

35. Love these cupcakes found on Humor Com Conteudo please leave comment if you know the original source.

36. Plant some seedlings

37. and you can use some recycled newspaper pots from Cottage Hill

39. Get a gorgeous Earth Day Printable from Nothing but Country, that you can frame and use year after year.

40. Kids bored ? Check out 20 Toys to Make from Trash from Big Spring Environmental

41. Get an Earth Day Board Game from Mother Nature Network.

42.  Cut an old Globe in half and use it as a decorative bowl, from Better Homes and Gardens.

43. Make homemade Earth crayons from old broken crayons from Sandy Toes and Popsicles

44. Paint a globe with your favourite saying, like this one from No Biggie

45. Switch all your bills to paperless and save those pesky paper statement fees.

46. Make a meal from foraged food - blueberries, wild strawberries, chives, edible flowers.

47. Make am Act of Green from the Earth Day Network so they can reach their goal of 2 billion acts.

48.Go Geocaching.

49. Get a Earth Day song (for toddlers and pre-schoolers) from Fantastic Fun and Learning

50.Walk or bike to school or work for the whole week.

51. Make a fantastic looking Map Platter from P.S. I Made This...

52. Grow food from your kitchen scraps - from Permaculture Ideas.

53. Make a herb garden in your kitchen window.

54. Go to a local observatory or use a telescope to see the stars and constellations.

55. Make some bottle cap art, find some amazing creations at WebUrbanist

56. Be Inspired by the Zero Waste Home

57. Go a day without producing any trash.

58. Love this idea from mamamade on Etsy for snap-able fabric papertowel

Custom - Tree Saver Towels - Reusable, Eco-Friendly, Snapping Paper Towel Set - CHOOSE YOUR PRINT - Cotton and Terry Cloth

59. Buy rechargeable batteries, which will save you more $ in the long run.

60. Find 20 ways to repurpose old T-shirts from too much time on my hands

61. Make a decorative bowl from old magazines, with tutorial from Crab + Fish

62. Make some Earth Day sugar cookies, like the ones found at Tidy Mom

63. Find 50+ ways to repurpose old drawers from Saved by Love Creations

64. Check out your city`s website for local Earth Day Activities, like free concerts or organized swap meets.

65. Clean up trash in your local park or neighbourhood.

66. Make a cute and healthy snack from Bobbi's Bentos

67. And you can usually recycle paint, batteries and ink cartridges at special recycling depots.

68. Get your magazines or newspaper online.

69. Opt out of junk mail.

70. Make your own reusable snack bags with tutorial from Just Another Day in Paradise.

71. Check out 10 Upcycled Projects from And Who Says You Can`t including a designer knock off purse.

72.  Replace all your light bulbs with florescent ones bonus: save on your electricity bill

73. Stop using paper napkins and switch to cloth napkins instead.

74. Get a solar powered phone charger like this waterproof iPhone case/charger

75. Or make your own USB solar charger, with instructions at inhabitat

76. Check your local city's website for everything they accept for recycling so your not throwing out things you don't have to.

77. Have an Earth Day Party.

78. Use re-usable plates and glasses,

79. Make Compost Pudding from One Charming Party

79. And send your guests home with a plantable party favour also from One Charming Party using eggshells and eggshell cartons

80. Sell your unwanted junk treasures on ebay

81. Make a dirt cake from Babble

82. Find 82 different Upcycled Jeans projects at Living the Proverbs31 Life

83. Make your own solar oven, with how to video from I Can Teach My Child

84. Another Cute Earth Day snack, from Canadian Family


85. Organize a garage sale.

86. Use the carbon footprint calculator to determine your carbon footprint.

87. Then figure out ways you can reduce it like unplugging ghost appliances.

88. Check out some cute digital art from Flickr

89. David Suzuki says if you add up all the small holes in your house it would add up to a basketball, so get out those caulking guns.

90. Make your own lunch bag, like this cute one found at the long thread

91. Make fossils from Coffee Grinds, Spoonful

92. Diapers are a huge contributor to the landfill, but if your city doesn`t offer cloth diaper cleaning services and you are not ready to take the huge leap to cloth diapers I don`t really blame you, check out a middle ground gDiapers with bio-gradable inserts.

93. Wash your laundry with natural soap nuts.

94. Find 50+ Upcycled projects using cardboard boxes from Saved by Love Creations

95. By products you use a lot of in bulk, to cut down on the packaging.

96. Wrap presents using recycled products from GoodLifer or use gift bags that can be re-used over and over.

97. Grown your own tree from an apple seed, take a few apple seeds and put them in the fridge in a damp paper towel until the sprout then plant them.

98. Make scribble pads by stapling together scraps of paper

99. Plant a garden using only native plants they don't require any fertilizers, pesticides or lots of additional water.

100. When shopping look for sustainable materials like bamboo, like these bamboo towels from EarthTech

Bamboo Viscose Towel 3-Piece Set - Sage Green

101. Learn to refuse things that you don`t want or have no need for.

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